Astro Build Error - Cannot access '$$Image' before initialization

A quick guide on how to resolve Astro build error - Cannot access '$$Image' before initialization - during post build phase on either on most build environments like Cloudflare, Vercel or Netlify.

A quick guide on how to resolve Astro build error - Cannot access '$$Image' before initialization - during post build phase on either on most build environments like Cloudflare, Vercel or Netlify.

The image above displays an error captured during a deployment cycle on Cloudlfare. I had built this blog with Astro and upon deployment to Cloudflare Pages , I ran into the error message below:

Cloudflare report - astro build error: cannot access $$Image before initialization

The error message identified was Cannot access ‘$$Image’ before initialization . I scoured the internet for possible solutions as well as visit multiple sections of Astro’s website to resolve the issue - to no avail.


The solution came by trying to inspect the origin of the error. I noticed that the error happened while Astro was generating static routes after build. I then deduced that the error was scoped to a post build task that occured when Astro is building for a production environment. Looking at the statements from the error stacktrace in the image below:

Cloudflare report - astro build error: cannot access $$Image before initialization

I noticed that a particular variable was being used ahead of initialization, similar to the error message. See below:

const _astro_assets = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({
  __proto__: null,
  Image: $$Image,
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }));

const $$Astro = createAstro("https://***");
const $$Image = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {

The variable $$Image was being referenced ahead of it being initialized, hence being thrown as an Error during compilation. Using the find in folder feature of VSCode. I looked for all instances where the Image component (Astro’s image component) had been used and quickly identified the component.

import Image from "astro/components/Image.astro";
import { SITE_LOGO } from "../config";
import Menus from "./menus.astro";


Apparently, the auto-import on VScode had mistakenly imported Astro’s Image component from a wrong path which is a static path for Astro to store artifacts during development.

Fixing the error is as easy as changing from the static path astro/components/Image.astro to the relative path astro:assets.


This is not a common error while working with Astro, its more or less a personalized error that can happen due to an personalization. Hence, it is important to double check you import statements and changes brought in from other workflow-related features/tools that are used during development.
